
About Me

WHO I AM...........

Someone said the key to happiness is finding something you enjoy doing and finding a way to make money doing it. That’s my goal. To make my office my playground. And what have I found I enjoy doing? It’s helping others (within reason, of course) through my company, Gifts For One Gifts For All.

What inspired me to start my company? Well my life experiences have influenced the mission of my company. As a youth, I was involved in several activities like sports, marching band, church youth groups. One common denominator they had was they all involved some form of fundraising. Whether it was selling candy, citrus fruit, car washes, we always needed money for uniforms, trips, etc.

In my professional career, I’ve worked in an industry where the motto is “People Helping People”. I've also been exposed to business concepts where the philosophy is to take your “EYES” off yourself and focus on the needs of others and in doing so you’ll benefit as well.

These experiences have influenced why I have started my company and what I wanted to accomplish through it. I wanted to do something where I can make a positive contribution and help others. I want to have fun doing it and not feel like its work. Hence, I want to make my office my playground, but its no fun playing by yourself, so if I can bring others into my world, even better.

MY COMPANY...............

So what is Gifts For One Gifts For All?  It's as an online gift store with 2,500+ gift items, but it’s more than just an online gift store. I like to think of it as a high performance vehicle that can be used to help others reach their goals. Whether it’s an individual looking to earn some extra money or an organization looking to raise funds, we have the solution with our Affiliate Program and FREE Online Fundraising Program and now offer programs that allow you to build a fundraising network so you won't have to ask for donations or sell products.

Let me help you visualize the role Gifts For One Gifts For All hopes to serve:

* Think of your goals as your destination. Where you ultimately want to find yourself or the organization.

* Think of the Gifts For One Gifts For All business as a high performance car.

* Think of our Affiliate Program (5% commission on purchase price for individuals and organizations)and FREE Online Fundraising Program (40% profit to qualifying organizations) as high octane fuel.

* Now imagine yourself in the driver’s seat.

To quote Vidal Sasson, “if you don’t look good, we don’t look good” so think of me as your GPS navigation system or OnStar providing guidance and support when needed.

Through our FREE Online Fundraising Programs, 40% of the purchase prices is donated to worthwhile causes or to support not-for-profit and youth organizations.

For more information about our services, visit our website at or give us a call toll-free at (866)991-GIFT (4438) or email us at